Contains:  Solar system body or event
A view of the lunar north limbo, Astroavani - Avani Soares

A view of the lunar north limbo

A view of the lunar north limbo, Astroavani - Avani Soares

A view of the lunar north limbo



Acquisition details



Only one photo to help in locating some prominent craters of northwest limbo.

Yet among them two always draw attention by peculiarities of the inside of your floor, they are Pythagoras and Philolaus.

Pythagoras has a very prominent central mountain is interesting to note that as the angle of sunlight to shade this mountain strongly resembles the image of a crouching dog

PythagorasIt is a prominent impact crater, has an oval appearance due to the oblique angle of vision. Only the western inner face can be seen from the ground, the other side is permanently out of sight.

With edges preserved, Pythagoras has a large terrace system, and a small wall around the outside. Although generally circular contour of the crater has a hexagonal shape. The floor is flat but with an irregular inequality. There is evidence slips around the periphery. Centrally fairly steep mountain has a double peak which rises 1.5 km above the crater.

Text: Avani Soares



A view of the lunar north limbo, Astroavani - Avani Soares